由 卡妙思 | 5月 3, 2023 | 企业新闻, 展会资讯
2023年4月29日至5月3日,佛山国际车展组委会携手全球专业赛车设备品牌CAMMUS卡妙思,在车展现场举办首届“亲子纯电卡丁车大赛——挑战车展最快圈速”和“专业赛车模拟器全民挑战赛”。 CAMMUS Pro 卡丁车,释放每个孩子内心的驾驶乐趣 CAMMUS LitePlay 8 直驱专业赛车方向盘,专为赛车发烧友而设计 世界小姐、环球小姐组团空降潭洲国际会展中心,在卡妙思展台走秀 CAMMUS C5 全球唯一便携式的电竞级直驱赛车方向盘 CAMMUS LP8 直驱赛车模拟器方向盘 CAMMUS Pro 卡丁车...
由 卡妙思 | 4月 9, 2020 | 企业新闻, 展会资讯
— #CAMMUS ELECTRIC SUPERCAR GT — * 0-60 mph 3.8s * Range: 250mi * RWD, Dual Motor * Voltage:600v * Capacity:72kw * 500hp * Main Body-frame: Titanium * Car body: Carbon Fiber * MR Layout — #Cammus Electric #SuperGT...
由 卡妙思 | 3月 31, 2020 | 展会资讯
— #CAMMUS ELECTRIC SUPERCAR GT — * 0-60 mph 3.8s * Range: 250mi * RWD, Dual Motor * Voltage:600v * Capacity:72kw * 500hp * Main Body-frame: Titanium * Car body: Carbon Fiber * MR Layout — #Cammus Electric #SuperGT...
由 卡妙思 | 3月 31, 2020 | 展会资讯, 新品发布
#CAMMUS control arms is equipped with a pillow ball designed to ensure traction when #drifting and stability at high speed in the corner. These arms allow the #camber angle to be adjusted. That’s especially important to #tuning bigger #tires/ #racing...
由 卡妙思 | 3月 30, 2020 | 展会资讯
— #CAMMUS 3D Metal Floating Center #Hub #Caps for #BMW — * The LED light work on the speed from over 20MPH to 80MPH. * 3D Metal Body * Plug & Play * #App Control Supported(open/ close the light) (#IOS & #Android) — #Cammus High Voltage...
由 卡妙思 | 3月 30, 2020 | 展会资讯, 新品发布
— #CAMMUS #SuperGT for Kids — The #CAMMUS #SuperGT for Kids is the #electric motor #car for #kids with CAMMUS SuperGT & Go-Karts #Technology. Just like the full-size CAMMUS SuperGT, it’s fully customized. You can choose the #performance, color,...